Irresistible Marketing Blog

How To Create Ethical Urgency Through Messaging Alone

How To Create Ethical Urgency Through Messaging Alone

Your messaging alone can create enough of an incentive to buy now rather than later (or never). No need for a Cart Close date if you don’t want one. No need to keep slashing your prices or throwing in a bunch of bonus freebies and burning yourself out on delivery. When powerful enough, your messaging alone will do the trick. Here’s how.

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What happens when you 10x your price?

What happens when you 10x your price?

You could triple your sales. Or even better. It happened to me. BUT only after I did a lot of inner work to bring my body, belief system, and trust in the value of what i was providing on board with the new price.

Here’s the dirty details that usually get left out of stories such as these. In other words: the stuff we don’t talk about nearly enough when it comes to pricing.

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How to *Actually* Get Business from LinkedIn

How to *Actually* Get Business from LinkedIn

Hold up, there is a fun (& lucrative) side to LinkedIn! But if your LinkedIn Profile is a holdover from your sanitized corporate days, it’s likely you don’t know it yet.

In this episode of The Irresistible Marketing Pod, LinkedIn Business Coach Mollie Lo, CEO of LoTUS Mentoring, shares how coaches & creatives can master personality-packed LinkedIn posting to draw in organic leads.  And no, you don’t have to post any memes or inspirational quotes.

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