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I offered my first couple custom marketing plans for like $300.

My business coach was appalled.

She said something like, “You’re Bergdorf or Barneys. Why TF are you pricing yourself like TJ Maxx? You cannot price custom, tailored work with bargain basement prices!!!”

… Annndddd I had a two-week meltdown.

Because pricing “the value” of your work brings up… a lot of baggage.

🌻 Around what your work is worth - and not confusing this with what you’re worth, as a person.

🌻Will anyone pay you what you deserve? (For anyone who has ever hit a gendered or racial glass ceiling in corporate, this is probably a big one for you.)

🌻Are you really “allowed” to be paid well for work you love?

🌻 But won’t that make you inaccessible to the people you really want to help and who need your work the most?

Just to name a few.

It’s big stuff.


So emotional, I couldn’t raise my price to where my coach thought it should be right away, because it made me feel panicky, which isn’t the best vibe for marketing.

So, I slowly inched my price up. I sold a few at $1,500 and realized how much work they actually were, how hardcore the companies were relying on those plans I made them, and how burnt out I was keeping them so cheap.

So, I more than doubled that. And almost immediately, tripled my sales for those marketing plans.

How. did. that. happen.

Here’s what I think:

🛼 I had to get fully onboard with the price. And I wasn’t until it was $3k+. At first, because I felt afraid the market wouldn’t want it, or trust me with it. Then, because I realized there was a huge gap between what I was charging in exchange for how much work I was doing, and how much value they were getting out of it.

🛼 I had to go through all that mind drama. I had to process all my baggage around money & what I was “allowed” to ask for.

🛼 I needed exposure to new, more helpful ways of thinking about money. Up until then, it was the poverty mindset I was raised in, then it was bosses praising me while I was winning them awards and launching new revenue streams for them, then telling me I wasn’t actually that good when I asked to be paid on par with my male colleagues. Thank goodness I found communities of powerful entrepreneurs who had sorted out their own money baggage and were committed to helping other entrepreneurs charge appropriately for their work.

(To be real: I still need frequent support & encouragement to stop drastically underpricing.)

Now those marketing plans are still one of my most popular services, despite more than tripling the price again.

As you may have gathered, I have a rather unconventional approach to pricing.

I factor in the body, the nervous system, trauma-history, oppression, and your money stories. Because to sell it with your full chest, you really have to believe it.

Not only because this is what I needed, but because so many clients were coming to me in a state of freeze because mentors kept telling them to raise their prices but because they couldn’t get their bodies on board, they were really struggling to sell it. (It’s hard to sell a belief you haven’t bought yourself!!)

This is why 🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleading 🌻has become my most sought-after service. Because my favorite big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs need *more* than one-size fits all strategy, more than bland positivity, more than devoid-of-cultural-context manifestation mythology. They need strategy and the belief system to sell it. They need positivity but also acknowledgment for the ways in which they’ve been wounded and conditioned to believe they can’t ask for and get what they really want. They need the invitation to dream big and the reinforcement and validation to believe in the possibility and opportunity for BETTER.

This is the support you get when you hire me as your Cheerleader. You can work with me 1:1 or join my Squad 🎉, a marketing mastermind for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs.

Isa Gautschi

✨🛼🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🛼✨ for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs making the world a better place through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts.

Whatever dragon is standing between you and your marketing pulling in MASSIVE success- I help you tame em’: be it a strategic, tactical or emotional dragon.

Services range from business coaching, to marketing strategy consulting, to done-for-you content marketing and gorgeous websites.

Better “What Ifs”


Avoiding Avoidance