Irresistible Marketing Blog

Dream Killers

Dream Killers

Defensive marketing doesn’t sell… because you’re speaking to YOUR doubts about your work & sending out “I don’t trust the value of my work!” vibes to potential clients.

That’s why it is SO important to have confidantes that will encourage you and feed your motivation and belief- NOT reinforce your fears and doubts.

Is your inner circle more Dream Killer or Dream Bringer?

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Why You Can’t "Just Get Over" Your Marketing Blocks

Why You Can’t "Just Get Over" Your Marketing Blocks

Are you expecting yourself to “just get over” an emotional reaction that is blocking you from effectively marketing your business? A block you were deeply conditioned to have through lots of painful reinforcement over the years?

If so, that is not a fair or realistic expectation. Here’s a much more helpful and effective approach.

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You Know What To Do, Just Not How To Make Yourself Do It

You Know What To Do, Just Not How To Make Yourself Do It

You know what you need to do for marketing- or at least you have several ideas about things to try. You know how to Google. You probably have some courses you bought you could go watch.

But something keeps happening between knowing what to do and actually doing it.

Here’s why more information isn’t the answer- and what actually is.

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