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Why Buy Now Rather Than Later?

"Ethical urgency” is a hot topic in the digital entrepreneurship space.

How do you get someone to buy now as opposed to later without being gross and pressure-y about it?


Hey! Did you know you can create ethical urgency through your messaging alone? No more price slashes, cramped/confined/exhausting launches, no more throwing in a zillion freebies that will burn you out on delivery. You can create ethical urgency by getting REALLY good at helping your aligned people visualize and feel into results. Don't know how? Hire me. DM for deets.

♬ original sound - Isa Gautschi

There are several ways to go about it. For example: having set Cart Open & Cart Close dates creates a built-in time limit for decision making. Ditto fast-acting bonuses or discounts.

But, to be honest: this kinda thing only works well for me about 40% of the time. I keep having chronic health issues get in the way of short-sprint super intense marketing pushes.

It feels better to my body, my creative cycles, and my systems to just… not do it that way for a while. Find a way that works better for me.

And, honestly, this feels scary to me. There is a lot of advice out there - even from people I deeply respect and admire - who say launching is the best - or even only - way.

But one of the most important things I impart to my clients is to never, ever subjugate your truth to someone else’s. Because that is the opposite of empowerment, and the whole point of hiring a coach is to get help accessing your own empowerment.

So, I’m experimenting by just marketing my stuff til it's full and waitlists are built out.

You may ask: “What’s the urgency to buy, then? Why now rather than later or never?

Here’s the real “urgency.” 

It's about what you want and how fast you want it. And simply conveying what’s a stake, what is possible, how much faster things could improve with my help than without it.

💎 Can you afford to keep growing your business at the rate it’s currently growing? If you haven’t cracked the code on how to pull in leads, sales, & followers faster yet, it’s time to get support from someone who knows how.

💎 Does the uncertainty of entrepreneurship keep spiraling you into anxiety and fear, leaving you to cope with the discomfort in some less-than-healthy ways? Does feeling like that suck? Like, a lot? Would you like a healthier way to deal with the uncertainty? Would you like to feel consistently better in your business now?

💎 Does marketing feel like a chore? Do you feel like you have to show up masked so none of the weird, political, unpolished, imperfect bits of yourself show? Does that make you dread marketing? But what if it could be an art project? What if you could learn to make marketing so powerful it evaporated your shame and freed your aligned customers of their shame, just by being lucky enough to encounter it? Would that change how you show up? Don’t you think that kind of marketing would get you much better results

💎 Do the marketing systems you’ve been advised to use feel like punishment to your brain? When you inevitably fall short, does it leave you feeling like you’re somehow “not good enough?” How much better would it feel to find a system that worked with not against your unique wiring? How much more accepted and confident would you feel if you had a business network that celebrated neurodiversity rather than treated it like an impediment?

@confidencecheerleader Rebel against templates that trap you! Rebel against anyone who tells you marketing *has* to be done this one way! Rebel against trying to force your gorgeously neurofestive brain into an ill-fitting neurotypical posting strategy! The most effective strategy is the one you actually do. And make sure you're in a mentorship program that empowers you to find YOUR way, rather than tries to force you to copy theirs. #businesswitch #businesscoach #marketingmindset #neurofestive #neurospicy #traumainformedbusiness #latinaowned #queerowned #womanowned ♬ Storytelling - Adriel

If it feels urgent to you to find your people and make a big leap forward in your business rather than keep inching along, that's enough of an incentive. An incentive created by messaging alone, which feels like a fun, black belt marketing move.

Want to create ethical urgency through messaging alone? Want to stop having disappointing launches? Wanna stop burning yourself out on discounted work, excessive bonuses, and endless freebies? Hire me. Work with me 1:1 or join the Squad 🎉, my marketing mastermind for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs.

Isa Gautschi

✨🛼🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🛼✨ for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs making the world a better place through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts.

Whatever dragon is standing between you and your marketing pulling in MASSIVE success- I help you tame em’: be it a strategic, tactical or emotional dragon.

Services range from business coaching, to marketing strategy consulting, to done-for-you content marketing and gorgeous websites.

Better “What Ifs”