Irresistible Marketing Blog

My First $10K Month

My First $10K Month

July 2024 was my first $10K+ profit month. It’s a moment. It’s that goal number you hear about so much in the online coachisphere. And, to be real, I don’t feel how I thought I would when I hit it.

I’m gonna publicly take inventory.

A) To help it sink in for myself that: dang, I did that.

B) To light the path for those coming after.

C) To help you steer clear of some of the obstacles that I smacked right into.

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Stop Marketing To Your Critics

Stop Marketing To Your Critics

Who are you picturing when crafting your marketing? It better not be your critical parent or ex, your skeptical friend, or that boss who fired you way back when. If it is… we can tell. And it doesn’t make us want to buy. Here’s how to fix it.

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Marketing with the Witch Wound

Marketing with the Witch Wound

Your cells carry the memories of when it wasn’t safe to be seen as different. Which can make marketing quite anxiety-provoking. Get you a community that celebrates your visibility and reminds you that you can handle other people’s reactions.

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So You Want To Go Viral

So You Want To Go Viral

Can you emotionally handle going viral? So many want to go viral, so few are ready.

I’ve got the perfect guest to give you the inside scoop on what it’s like. Alyssa Zander graciously dropped by The Irresistible Marketing Pod to share her personal experience with being seen by literally millions and millions of people and how she updated her self-care, boundaries, and reactions to be able to handle it.

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The Challenge of Simplicity

The Challenge of Simplicity

Simplicity - both in terms of brevity & removing complexity - is a messaging skill you’ll need to invest in one way or another. It’s the difference between spray & pray marketing and marketing that hits bullseye after bullseye.

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