Marketing with the Witch Wound
with Faelan Shiva
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What if this marketing anxiety… isn’t yours?
A lot of us can easily point to a place in our lineage where it was *very* unsafe to be seen as successful, wealthy, or powerful- especially those of us who were purposefully, historically marginalized, oppressed, and disempowered.
And if we’re on the witchy end of things, we don’t have to peer very far back into history to see the horrific things that were done to those who were suspected of witchcraft.
Our bodies carry the memories of when owning our power was dangerous. When being seen was dangerous. When refusing to conform was risky AF.
Fast forward to today when you’ve opened a business and need to sell your stuff to pay your bills and fund the happy, fulfilling life you want. You know you have to tell people about your offers in order for them to buy them… and your system is thrown into turmoil. Marketing is how you’ll achieve financial safety- but marketing makes your body react like it’s in imminent danger. Woof, it is hard to sell from that energy.
But don’t despair witches & folks with generational trauma around money: you get to bring your body on board with a new definition of safety: you get to trust yourself to handle whatever comes your way with grace. Which means, you can allow yourself to be seen- really seen- on purpose, and still be safe.
I’m so grateful to Squad 🎉 member Faelan Shiva for hopping on the pod to discuss her own journey with marketing with the witch wound and how finding supportive community in The Squad utterly changed the game for her.
We discuss:
🍎 How to figure out your aligned clients when you could help everybody
🍎 Finding your special sauce
🍎 Marketing 1:1s
🍎 Crafting a free masterclass as a lead magnet
🍎 How to differentiate from spiritually abusive practitioners
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