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If you’re not getting the kind of sales you want- it’s usually a marketing problem.

🙃 Not enough aligned customers know about you.

🙃 Aligned customers don’t realize that you’re talking to them and you made the offer FOR them.

🙃 They don’t understand your offer.

🙃 They’re not sure why they need it NOW rather than later.

🙃 They don’t understand what problem you solve, how it’s their problem, and why & how their lives will be so much better when they solve it.

🙃 The user experience is confusing and they keep giving up before they buy.

🙃 You haven’t communicated enough for them to fall in love with your brand yet.

These are all marketing problems.

No, it’s probably not your product or your pricing. 

Gucci sold out of $190 ripped tights, for goodness sake. Feet pic sock creators can sell their dirty socks for $500. I sold wayyyy more Marketing Plans for $3,333 than I did for $1k. So many, I had to raise the price again. You can sell almost anything at almost any price with the right story and/or brand caché.

So, again, it’s usually a marketing problem.

That’s what we solve in the The Squad- with bold experimentation backed by tons of research, absolutely bonkers levels of creativity, and a generous helping of audacity.

Join if you’re not getting the marketing results yet. Get a membership for your marketing new-hire to get them up to speed QUICK on how to rapidly accelerate your business’s growth. Join if you don’t have enough people in your life cheering on your outlandishly big goals. Join if you don’t dare to set outlandishly big goals yet, but you’d like to build the confidence to.

Isa Gautschi

Marketing Confidence Cheerleader for small business baddies in the fields of health, wellness, the creative arts, and marketing/branding/advertising/creative.

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