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Let’s pull some numbers…

Let’s say you’ve priced your time at $100/hour.

Let’s say you spend an average of 5 hours a week chasing after marketing how-to knowledge. Taking classes, watching videos, reading articles, etc. That’s $2,000/month right there.

Let’s say you get in a marketing/sales anxiety spiral that knocks you out of commission an average of 3 hours/week. That’s $1,200/month right there.

Then let’s say you spend an average of 20 hours a month rewriting your website, redoing your templates, scrapping your last marketing strategy, and trying to put together a new one, giving direction to your collaborators & assistants then stressing over resulting friction. That’s another $2,000.

OK. That’s wasting the equivalent of a full-time employee’s salary.

That’s $5,200 a month. That is $62,400 a year. 

Do you have $62,400 to throw away?

Or you could join The Squad.

All of that is a WHOLE LOT MORE than any investment in The Squad- where you get access to the antidote to each of these issues.

🛼 No more wasted hours chasing marketing answers- you get to ask an expert whenever you need to! For members, you have the Facebook Group that I check & respond to daily 4x a week to help you make sense of your branding, messaging, metrics, & marketing tactics. For VIPers, you get a 1:1 text or email thread with me I check multiple times a day, 4 days a week.

🛼 No more uninterrupted business anxiety spirals! You have access to a TON of resources as a Squad member, from each past masterclass to guided meditations, to support directly from me and your fellow excellently eccentric entrepreneurs who all want to see you WIN and who all have complete faith in your ability to handle whatever comes your way with grace.

🛼 No more spinning your wheels in indecisiveness. With an expert marketing director on call, you are going to feel so HYPED & CONFIDENT in your strategy. You have access to complimentary reviews of any and all marketing assets & metrics by me- a marketer with a 10-year track record of rapidly accelerating business growth. You will also get the support, permission (not that you need it), and validation to release what’s no longer working and pivot.

Ready For Marketing to Attract Money Rather Than Drain It?

If you’re tired of struggling with the same marketing problems and static or wildly fluctuating sales month after month… Isn’t it time you got some expert help?

🛼 What if you hit your entire 2024 revenue goal in Q1?

🛼 What if you streamlined your workflows and got all those projects that have been dragging on for months completed and cleared off your plate?

🛼 What if you watched your following, sales, & glowing reviews go up, and up, and up?

🛼 What if you stopped having business anxiety spirals in the middle of the night?

🛼 What if the next time you did have a falter you knew exactly where to go, what to do, and who to talk to restore confidence and boost your energy?

The Squad is gonna help you get there.

Isa Gautschi

✨🛼🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🛼✨ for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs making the world a better place through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts.

Whatever dragon is standing between you and your marketing pulling in MASSIVE success- I help you tame em’: be it a strategic, tactical or emotional dragon.

Services range from business coaching, to marketing strategy consulting,to done-for-you content marketing and gorgeous websites.

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