Irresistible Marketing Blog
What’s My Special Sauce?
You don’t have to worry about the competition. Yes, I know it’s crowded out there. Yes, I’m confident there is room for you. Do you need to stand out? Yes. But most people go about it all wrong. And it all comes down to the questions you’re asking.
Learning to Love Trial & Error in Marketing
Expecting perfection and instant results dooms your marketing strategy from the start. Here’s why learning to love trial & error is a much more effective and fun marketing strategy for small businesses.
How Much of Your Personal Story Should You Share in Your Small Business Marketing?
Your personal story is powerful, but when it comes to small business marketing, how do you know whether it’s good branding or TMI? Here are some guidelines.
Preventing Choice Overload in Website Marketing
Gotta have options, but not too many. Here’s how to keep your website marketing simple so you don’t accidentally send customers into analysis paralysis.
Content Creation Idea: Respond To Doubt
Doubts are actually great fuel for content creation- because passion makes for great content. You know you’ve fantasized about what you’d say to naysayers if you could have a do-over. Here’s your do-over.