Irresistible Marketing Blog

How To Get More Testimonials
A lot of great businesses struggle to get the testimonials they deserve. Luckily, there’s an easy fix. Here are 3 simple tips you can adopt today to bring in more rave reviews.

Your Marketing Needs to Hold The Vision For Your People
The opposite of pain-point marketing is HOPE-based marketing. But it requires more than empathy. You’ve got to show what’s possible on the furthest edge of what your people scarcely dare hope for.

Marketing With Chronic Pain
5 tips for partnering with your body to create irresistible content. Sustainable marketing practices value sustainability over frequency.

3 Easy Ways To Repurpose Old Content
How to still post consistent, quality marketing content- even when you’re not feeling 100%.

Inclusivity Beyond Rainbow Capitalism
How businesses can show- not just tell- queer & trans folks that they’re welcome. Joining me for this discussion is licensed therapist Renae Johnson, who is the founder of Open Space Therapy Collective, a hub for queer & trans mental health based in California.