What if you could fix that marketing problem you’ve been freaking out about for months in 5 minutes?

For an audio version of this podcast, listen to The Irresistible Marketing Pod wherever you get your podcasts.

Too often I see entrepreneurs wasting oodles of time and money trying to figure out on their own what is going wrong with their marketing… When I could have told them in 5 minutes.

Now. I’m not saying these aren’t absolutely brilliant folks. They are. 

They just aren’t marketers!

And sure. They could spend all the time, effort, and money acquiring my level of marketing expertise for themselves so that they too can take a look at it and understand what’s gone wrong in 5 minutes flat… 

…If they’ve got a decade to spare. 

And if they love marketing enough to go that hard on learning all the ins and outs of it for the next 10 years of their life.

Pero, like. Who wants to do that? 

Y’all went into business because you love your business. And all this trying to DIY marketing is pulling your focus away from the thing you wanted to do in the first place. Not to mention all the resulting stress from rookie mistakes, preventable blunders, and issues that have easy fixes if you know where to look.

If you’re feeling called out, you’re not the only one to have wasted 5 months on a marketing problem an expert coulda helped you fix in 5 minutes.

I’m going to share some real-life examples in just a minute, but the point is this: 

Stop wasting 5 months on a marketing problem an expert could help you fix in 5 minutes. Hire the darn expert. They’re cheaper than wasting half a year.

And if you don’t have such an expert in your corner yet, come join The Squad - an on-demand expert marketing director (me) and creative community of eccentric entrepreneurs for the CEO who is tired of flying blind when it comes to marketing, making big waves, & big money.

Why aren’t they checking out?

An established client with several successful stores could not understand why their online sales were so far below their peers.

Especially when their landing pages were getting such great traffic!

The Answer

The color scheme & design of their website made it really hard to tell whether an item had been added to the cart. And if you couldn’t find the cart or tell whether anything had been added, you’d have a hell of a time finding the checkout page at all! And if you somehow made it there, the many competing buttons made it a challenge to figure out how to just buy the darn thing.

The Fix

We chose a new theme and color scheme for the website that made the checkout process MUCH more intuitive and user-friendly. This after *months* of the business owner assuming it was just something about them that customers didn’t like. Which wasn’t the case at all!

Why are my ads attracting so many bad-fit clients?

A client’s Google Ads were technically performing great. Tons of views and impressive click-through-rates. But the customers they were attracting? All wrong! Why on earth were so many straight men coming in for an extremely queer service?

The Answer

The messaging was too general. From a quick skim of the ad headline & description language- you’d have no idea that the service was supposed to be exclusively for LGBTQ+ folx! This went on for months, to my client’s deep frustration. Until they came to me.

The Fix

We put who the service was for front & center. In the headlines, in the descriptions, in the images. on the landing page, on the link language. 

And voilá! The ads started attracting much more aligned clients.

Why am I getting so many unsubscribes?

A client with an impressively huge email list was pouring a lot of love into their newsletters… only to watch their unsubscribe rates spike. Disheartening, to say the least.

The Answer

The contact list wasn’t properly segmented. Marketing emails went to customers who had already bought the product. Donor emails went to volunteers and casual customers.

Plus, the email blasts were super long including messages for everyone- which required readers to skim to find something relevant to them. (And y’all know how few of us are going to take the time to do that! And data shows less copy tends to lead to higher click rates.)

The Fix

We got tag happy! We tagged the contact list according to what they had bought, signed up for, how active they were, etc. etc. This made it much easier to send targeted messages to the appropriate and specific audiences they were intended for.

Then, instead of sending out bulk email blasts, we limited the campaigns to 1 message per campaign- making them much shorter, sweeter, and wayyyy more effective.

Why am I not getting testimonials?

A talented client was getting rave reviews whenever they held an event. Their DMs and comment sections were filled with positive feedback. Yet, whenever they’d send out a form to collect testimonials- they got zilch.

The Answer

It was the form. So impersonal. Requiring several clicks and several minutes. Like something a big corporation might send out. How much would it really matter if you filled out the form or not? That’s the impression it was leaving customers with.

The Fix

We scripted a template so that she could send a personal email or DM to happy clients requesting a testimonial and explaining what a long way it goes to establish the reputation of a new, small business. 

We made sure to let the happy customers know that they were ideal clients and their public reviews would do wonders to attract more people like them into the business. 

Oh, you can bet she got testimonials after that!

How Much Time Are You Willing to Lose?

I have so many stories like this. Clients spinning their wheels for months on something I could have told them how to fix in 5 minutes.

I’ve seen how much time & money my favorite entrepreneurs have lost to not having an expert like me they could turn to at an accessible price. That’s why I made The Squad. If you’d like to stop wasting months on what could be resolved in minutes, I’d love to have you join!

Your Squad awaits. 🎉

Isa Gautschi

✨🛼🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🛼✨ for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs making the world a better place through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts.

Whatever dragon is standing between you and your marketing pulling in MASSIVE success- I help you tame em’: be it a strategic, tactical or emotional dragon.

Services range from business coaching, to marketing strategy consulting, to done-for-you content marketing and gorgeous websites.


Stay Delulu


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