Desire is a much more pleasurable way to sell 😈 - definitely more fun for all involved

Heretical marketing take: pain-point marketing is why people think marketing & sales are sleazy.

It's pressing on a bruise or - worse - CREATING the bruise, then offering a cure. 


It relies on anxiety, fear, and shame to motivate people to buy.

Which is odd.

Because how do YOU feel when you feel ashamed? 

I feel like I want to hide. Like I'm not in a buying mood.

How do YOU feel when you feel anxious and afraid?

I feel frantic or dissociative. 

Anything I buy in that state, I tend to regret or never actually use. I’m not about to leave a rave or become a repeat customer.

When I tell corporate-y marketing/salespeople this perspective, they always look shocked. “How else would you sell?” they ask me.

Well, as a highly-anxious person- I’ve thought a lot about anxiety.

And this is my theory: it’s just creative energy.

@confidencecheerleader What if anxiety and fear were selling ASSETS rather than detriments? Cuz anxiety is really just creative energy that we can redirect into storytelling magick. And fear is just a love letter from your body letting you know how much it loves you and wants to keep you alive... Which indicates a deep well of nurturing potential that we can redirect into intentional caring for yourself and others. And what if... you felt 100% safe and 100% calm in uncertainty? If trying to stuff these emotional demons (anxiety, fear, clinging to the familiar) into your entrepreneurial closet hasn't been working... why not learn to tango with them instead? Come to Marketing Witchery Week May 22-26th: a business masterclass like no other. 3 interactive witchy biz workshops, 2 marketing confidence cheerleading sessions + guided meditations & tarot spreads: $99. Or go to individual workshops for $25 each.  (Coaching only offered with full-access pass.) #mindfulmarketing #marketingforcoaches #marketingfortherapists #marketingforcreatives #smallbusinessmarketing #businesswitch #witchtok #anxietyrelief #anxietysupport ♬ How`s Your Day - aAp Vision

We developed anxiety as a survival mechanism evolutionarily and kept it as a coping mechanism- trying to imagine everything that could go wrong so we could be prepared and have a good chance of staying alive.

OK, so that mentality successfully got our species to survive. But not in a pleasant way. 

Hypervigilance sucks. And, long term, it probably makes us all sick and live shorter, less happy lives.

It’s time for a new adaptation.

So, what if we could reroute that creative energy to what could go RIGHT? (Just writing that, I felt my shoulders drop and my jaw relax.) 

What if, in our marketing, we focused more on the DESIRE than the fear?

And upon receiving that sort of marketing, our customers also got to recircuit their anxious energy into imaginative, hopeful, expansive, innovative, excited energy?

Way less slimy.

Way less gross.

It just feels better all around.

I know I sell more and sleep better that way. 💖💖💖

Wanna learn how? Come to Marketing Witchery Week! It’s less than $100 to turn your most awkward emotions into selling superpowers. It’s weird. It’s wonderful. Warning: may cause disruptive thoughts.

Marketing Witchery Week - All Access Pass: Workshops, Coaching, Tarot Spreads, & Guided Meditations

Marketing Witchery Week - All Access Pass: Workshops, Coaching, Tarot Spreads, & Guided Meditations


Buy now
Isa Gautschi

✨🛼🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🛼✨ for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs making the world a better place through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts.

Whatever dragon is standing between you and your marketing pulling in MASSIVE success- I help you tame em’: be it a strategic, tactical or emotional dragon.

Services range from business coaching, to marketing strategy consulting,to done-for-you content marketing and gorgeous websites.

The Gift on the Flip Side of Fear


Untangling Your Sense of Safety from KPIs