Consent & Confidence: Essential Ingredients for Radically Successful, Radically Ethical Marketing 

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I want you to stop underpricing.

Pricing is one of the biggest issues people come to me for help with.

And, it’s true, many of us - especially those of us who inhabit chronically and historically underpaid identities - really struggle to ask for what we need, let alone what we WANT when first given the opportunity to set our own rates.

Now, I could, and sometimes do, tell you what I think the price should be.

But hearing that 4x, 10x number can feel so foreign, so impossible, that the nervous system starts shooting off alarm bells (“this was never safe before!!!”) and your creativity and motivation can short circuit and suddenly you’re ghosting on your marketing.

That’s why one of the KEY things we work on in Marketing Confidence Cheerleading is updating our definition of safety. So that our full self fully believes that:

🌻 It is safe to have needs.

🌻 It is safe to ask for what we need.

🌻 It is safe to want.

🌻 It is safe to ask for what we want.

🌻 It is safe to be told ‘no’ and not need to convince that person why they should say ‘yes.’

🌻 It is safe to trust that our aligned customers will be more than happy to pay for the value we provide and respect our boundaries.

🌻 It is safe to trust that we have aligned clients out there.

So, 🍦 or 🌶️?

Building these beliefs is easier than you think. It just takes practice and repetition.

That’s why I start each Cheerleading Session by offering you a choice:

"Would you like ice cream or chili pepper feedback, or just to be witnessed?”

🍦= Give me feedback with a spoonful of sugar, because I’m feeling a bit vulnerable. Please make sure to point out what I’m doing right.

🌶️= Give me all the tough love and motivate me to push my growth edge.

👀 “I just want to be witnessed” = I do not want feedback or advice. I just want to be seen and feel supported.

So why does this matter?

a) Consent is my highest value.

b) We aren’t often given the opportunity to check in and notice what we WANT, let alone ask for it. Practicing in a safe container where respecting your desires & boundaries is literally built into the structure makes it easier to get into the habit.

The more you practice noticing and asking for what you want in life, the easier it becomes to do it in business.

And when you’ve built this new definition of safety for yourself, raising your prices so that your needs AND wants are met becomes much, much easier. And projecting the trust that the work is worth the price in your marketing becomes much more *convincing* because you actually believe that it is.

That’s why Marketing Confidence Cheerleading isn’t just about how to do marketing. It includes that, but it’s ALSO, perhaps more importantly, the emotional support for trusting that you are deserving and capable of holding the clients, wealth, recognition, and power you’re calling in.

That’s why this is so much more effective to you as a business owner and as a person than just taking another course on the exact tactics that made someone else in a completely different business, circumstance, and nervous system than yours some impressive sum of money.

If you want in on this, come nab one of the few last 1:1 spots to work with me in 2024. You’re too powerful and your work is too important to keep playing small. Come claim the version of yourself that meets and exceeds all your goals.

It’s 12 one on one sessions with me + complimentary admission to my beloved Squad 🎉 of excellently eccentric entrepreneurs so that you’ll have a whole community to hype you up and support you.

Not to mention fun presents designed by moi in YOUR brand theme to help you step into that CEO mode.

You can learn all about it here.

Please note, I’m only accepting 3-5 clients for this so once these spots are gone they’re gone for I don’t know how long. Cart closes on September 30th. 💕

Isa Gautschi

✨🛼🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🛼✨ for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs making the world a better place through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts.

Whatever dragon is standing between you and your marketing pulling in MASSIVE success- I help you tame em’: be it a strategic, tactical or emotional dragon.

Services range from business coaching, to marketing strategy consulting, to done-for-you content marketing and gorgeous websites.

Business Boundaries


A Case of the Bad Ads