Customers Aren’t “Giving” You Money

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They aren’t doing you a favor and you aren’t asking for one.

Your work is important.

It’s going to change their lives.

It’s going to get them results they haven’t been able to get on their own. Or it’s going to get them those results a lot faster, easier, & more delightfully than they could on their own.

Either way, you’re freeing up everyone’s most valuable asset: their time.

Time is literally our lives right? How could it NOT be incredibly valuable to have more time that is joyful, soothed, at ease, etc.?

Consensual buying is an equal exchange.

They get your amazing work.

You get what you need to deliver them an amazing experience.

When we’ve priced appropriately, put boundaries around the scope of work appropriately- it’s a pleasant exchange. 

No resentment. No burnout. No exhaustion. No pressure. Everyone is getting their needs met.

Do you want to do business like that? The Squad 🎉 is the place to be. Our first mini-marketing masterclass & business lab is on Tuesday. And you get access to our private community & marketing masterclass archive right away when you sign up.

Stop doom spiraling and get HYPED. Stop settling and get BOLD. Stop overworking & start CREATING JOYFULLY.

Isa Gautschi

Marketing Confidence Cheerleader for small business baddies in the fields of health, wellness, the creative arts, and marketing/branding/advertising/creative.

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Imposter Syndrome? Try a Tincture of Chad!