You Know What To Do, Just Not How To Make Yourself Do It
Why More Information Isn’t The Solution
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If information about *how* to do marketing, *how* to increase leads, *how* to close more clients were enough... You'd be doing it already.
So what's happening between knowing what to do and actually doing it?
Probably some mind drama. Maybe some distraction. Maybe slipping into some avoidance tendencies to avoid the emotional discomfort.
More information doesn't solve this.
You need support to actually do the darn thing.
Creating the Conditions that Make It Safe To Face The Scary Stuff
This year, I introduced Avoiding Avoidance events to the Squad 🎉, my marketing mastermind for big-hearted, black sheep, rebel entrepreneurs. We bring our stickiest projects - the ones we know we need to do but have many sneaky ways of not actually doing them - to the group. We set our intentions, we feel into the desired outcome, we have a quick dance party, and then we hold each other accountable for 90 minutes to actually get it done.
Projects that have been put off for the last 6 months get done in an hour.
Stress about not knowing when or how you'll actually get the scary thing done is gone because members know when they will be resourced and supported enough to handle it. (Twice a month, in Avoiding Avoidance Group!)
We've had taxes finished early, we've had entire onboarding processes built, we've had entire sales pages completed, we've had full curriculums designed, we've have had all emails for a launch taken care of in the space of a single meeting.
This is the beauty of a group by and for neurofestives. This is the beauty of a group that doesn't pretend like emotional stuff doesn't *often* interrupt business stuff. This is the beauty of a business group that makes room for the human experience. I love us.
If you keep trying to stuff your brain into neurotypical business containers and you keep feeling like you're falling behind, not doing it right, or are "not good enough"- perhaps it's time to seek support from a group that celebrates the way you're wired and helps you find systems that actually work for you.
If you just said: "Dang, I NEED that!" you'd be very welcome in the Squad 🎉.