Getting Rich = Revolution, And I Love That For Us
Entrepreneur Diaries
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Most of the folks I support as Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻have been collectively spiraling since Nov. 5, 2024. I mean, of course. The U.S. decided again that a senile racist, ableist, transphobic sexual abuser should hold the nuclear codes. It’s fucked up, and, understandably, the resulting fear, anguish, and grief have been considerable.
In my circles, the focus has 180ed from Hope, Change, & Innovative Entrepreneurship to survival, contingency plans, and just making it through the damn day. Again, that’s totally understandable. But that’s not where I want to live.
Because I think that now, my work, our work, is more important than ever. As is us getting Really. Fucking. Good. at marketing so we can get really. Fucking. Rich.
Because then we’re DANGEROUS. A force to be reckoned with. Then we go from powerless to holding the powerful accountable & being powerful (and accountable) ourselves.
Here’s why.
Being poor is exhausting.
I know we’re tired of being exploited left, right, & center and want to “eat the rich”- but look, we can’t do much when we’re so broke we have to scramble to get our survival needs met month-to-month.
The fear of “will I eat?,” “will I have a home?,” “what will happen if I can’t pay that bill?” can feel quite crippling.
The truth is that we need your basic needs easily met so we can free up your brilliance to focus on other things.
This is why I insist on my clients raising their prices and limiting their scope of work. This is why I insist my clients properly charge for their energy, time, attention, and expertise. This is why it is SO IMPORTANT that I help my clients build businesses that will be not only profitable but sustainable longterm.
Because being resourced frees up a whole lot of energy and focus.
What Having Your Needs Met Frees You Up to Focus On
What if you were making enough profit to hire other folks so all their survival needs could be met too? What if you could pay them so well and offer so many benefits to them that the standard for employee compensation was raised by your example?
What if you were resourced enough to be able to help out your people whenever they needed help with their survival needs? What if you were so resourced from your business’s profits that you could afford to help strangers with their survival needs?
What if whole communities were freed from having to struggle with survival and were thus able to apply their brilliance to other pressing issues?
What if that happened for whole generations?
What if you were resourced and visible enough using your financial power to the benefit of your people that more and more people realized they can not only survive, but thrive without having to conform & assimilate to oppressive institutions & unjust monopolies of power
This is why I want to get us all handsomely paid. So we’re not so exhausted just trying to live that we actually have the power to change the freaking world. So that we’re not so preoccupied trying to assimilate and stuff ourselves into the stifling little boxes proscribed to us by patriarchal, colonialist, white supremacist, heteronormative, neurotypical, classist mainstream society we can actually use our power to free us all from those stupid assimilation boxes we’re all too big and complex and diverse and beautiful for anyway.
I want us to have MONEY
So we are controlled by no man.
So that fawning & people-pleasing no longer have to be our primary survival strategies.
So we rest and honor our bodies and our time rather than exploiting every precious cell, every precious second for productivity just some distant billionaire gets to profit from.
So we get to spend time exploring our desires not merely scrambling to barely meet our needs.
So that we get to act on desire rather than coercion and fear.
So that our communities are powerful enough to protect and care for each other.
So that intentionally marginalizing our people is no longer an option.
So that we are in full awareness of our own agency and power- and thus never, ever hopeless.
I want us to get rich as revolution. Rich as rebellion. Rich as refusal to accept what can & should be changed.
If you would like to infuse 2025 with a whole lot of hope and wealth-building for your business, you’re invited to The Squad 🎉, my crew of excellently eccentric entrepreneurs cheering each other on as we do the impossible in real-time.
We meet monthly where I teach a Marketing Masterclass on a topic that The Squad 🎉 votes on to ensure we’re always focused on what’s most current and pressing to your business. The class is followed by a business lab where we immediately integrate the lesson directly into your business.
We meet an additional 1-2x a month for our Marketing Confidence Cheerleading Call, an open Q & A where we tackle whatever challenges are blocking the marketing success you want - be it a strategic, tactical, or emotional issue.
You also get me as your Marketing Director: access to my expertise on your launch strategy, content plan, messaging & branding. You also get my copyediting on your marketing assets in our private Squad 🎉 group, where you can participate in our optional private marketing challenges, affirmations, pitch practices, reflection questions, & content prompts.
Squad 🎉 members also enjoy access to my entire archive of past marketing masterclasses, Cheerleading calls, guided meditations, guest expert sessions & breathwork and more.
Annual memberships are on sale for Black Friday through December 2, 2024 where you can save 25% on a one-time payment for 2025 in addition to receiving December 2024 access for free. That’s the equivalent of more than 4 months of free access.
Or you can select the 2 payments option - or two payments billed 6 months apart for 11% off and complimentary admission for December 2024. That’s the equivalent of more than 2 months of free access. Learn more here.