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Ear Candy: 5 Podcasts To Put You In The Right Mind Frame for Empowered Marketing

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Hi, I need help. ✨✨✨

Help in feeling confident enough to admit when I need help. 

Help staying in the mindset that supports me doing my most brilliant work. 

Help to keep all the marketing produced by my company hope-focused rather than fear-bound. 

Help to reimagine the world I want to live in, the type of communities it is possible to create.

But, when left to my mind’s own devices, it’s easy for these goals and values to get derailed by my:

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma responses

  • Perfectionism

  • Toxic productivity and grind culture conditioning

  • Codependency and people-pleasing habits

  • Scarcity mindset

  • Money fear

So, one of the best ways I’ve found for keeping my mind on track, my vibes high, my creative well full, and my spirit motivated is by listening to podcasts that reinforce the mindset I want to be in, the values I want to live, the unlearning I need support for, and the possibilities I want my eyes opened to.

Allow me to explain.

When You’re Doing Business In a New Way, You Need Support

Here at M.Isa, we’re dedicated to marketing that nourishes our collective conscious and pushes the culture forward. We acknowledge pain points but don’t try to get consumers to wallow and believe the only way out is to spend more. Hope is essential to the messaging work we do. Health and wellbeing are essential to the messaging work we do.

With this ethos, we’re aiming for marketing that is:

  • Inclusive

  • Feminist

  • Anti-racist

  • Decolonized

  • Abundance rather than scarcity oriented

  • Toxic positivity free

  • Toxic productivity free

  • Mindful

  • Compatible with your mental health

  • Tapped into the ease & flow of your creative cycles

And, that’s a lil radical. It requires a lot of unlearning of social conditioning, acting against certain cultural values, and constant reminders that the way it’s always been isn’t the way it will always be.

And there is no way I could do this with my business, whilst leading a team, in creative partnerships, or in work for clients if all I was doing was staying in the bubble of my own (admittedly brilliant) mind. 

The words I put in my ears matter. They affect my mood. They affect my outlook. For good or ill.

So when my nerves get the better of me, I start feeling stuck, or I just want some encouragement, these are the podcasts I know I can turn to put me back into an empowered, inspired, motivated mindset. In other words: exactly the mindset I want when I’m creating marketing to attract people to my business and my clients’ businesses.

Maybe these will help you too. 💋

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Feminist Wellness

If for you, like me, therapy and a whole lot of self-criticism still hasn’t cured your anxiety or vanquished your imposter syndrome, it’s time to start looking for answers within your own, perfect body. And with a magical combination of science, feminism, outstanding charisma, and deep gentleness, Nurse Practioner & Life Coach Victoria Albina, MPH teaches you how to do just that. 

It’s not a business podcast, but it sure helps me to show up as my best self for my business. From episodes on how to stop future-tripping, to breath & thoughtwork tools for deescalating anxiety, to healthy conflict skills, this podcast is a femme entrepreneur’s best friend.  

Who it’s for:

Folks healing from codependency, people-pleasing, & perfectionism

Listen when:

You need a podcast that feels like a hug, when you’re scared to have tough conversations with clients or be visible in your marketing, when you’re struggling with anxiety and perfectionistic tendencies, when you need some support for building your confidence

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The Elemental Entrepreneurship Podcast

“Hippie wizard business school” is my coach Cera Byer’s nickname for her framework for teaching new entrepreneurs. She’s got it allllll covered. It’s not just the practical info for the nuts and bolts of structuring and growing a business… it’s how you manage your mind, healthily handle the emotional challenges that come up, and how to keep the  faith that it’s going to happen, it’s going to work. And let me tell you, that last part is just as important- if not more important- than traditional business advice.

Who is it for: 

Entrepreneurs who are creatives & healers- particularly ones with witchy inclinations and C-E-HO vibes

Listen when:

You need encouragement & an imposter syndrome antidote, when you need validation that you get to rest & have a personal life while running your business, when you need help tapping into abundance rather than scarcity mindset, when you need someone to remind you that you can and should charge enough to live a good life

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Joyful Marketing

Simone Grace Seol’s Joyful Marketing podcast is a delightful balance between mindset reframes to create, well, joyful marketing, and practical “here are ways to do marketing well” advice. Seol is a fabulous, funny, powerhouse who shows up with love that is tough but needed, and a whole lot of validation for you to do you- but the best version of you- in your marketing.

Who it’s for:

Specifically life coaches- but as a non life coach, I also find it has useful insights for other creatives, healers, and other squiggly brained, neurodivergent entrepreneurs marketing their small businesses

Listen when:

You feel stuck in your marketing, your brain or body feel out of alignment with your marketing and you need some help, you can handle some tough love

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You’re Wrong About

Each episode is a spectacular journalistic debunking of various cultural narratives you probably vaguely remember hearing about in your youth if you’re a millennial. (Think the narrative or lack thereof about Nicole Brown Simpson during the OJ Simpson trial, how the media treated intern Monica Lewinsky, the Satanic Panic hubbub, and how we were all collectively really mean to Jessica Simpson and Tonya Harding.) 

So why does this matter for marketing? You’re Wrong About shows just how powerful a good story is. With this podcast, you hear a lot of the ways powerful but misleading narratives have wrought havoc on our collective consciousness. But with the hosts’ empathetic suggestions for well-researched alternative narratives, you see how stories can also soothe, heal, and open the door to better possibilities.

Who it’s for:

Nerdy, feminist empaths

Listen when:

You want antiheroine solidarity; the patriarchy is gaslighting you; you want A+ nerdy entertainment that makes you feel smarter whilst binging; you’re an empath with gallows humor

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Prepare to be inspired, validated, and amused by Jameela Jamil’s funny and insightful interviews with an impressive array of activists and creatives working to make the world a better place. From Hollywood actresses calling out diet & rape culture to mental health advocates, relief workers, and researchers- the guests are good. This podcast will help you deconstruct the shit that you didn’t even realize was clouding your mind and imagine something better in its place. By the way, the name and community is called “I Weigh” because everyone is encouraged to share how they take the measure of themselves in worth rather than pounds.

Who it’s for:

Those working towards radical inclusivity of self and community

Listen when:

You want a major dose of inspiration & humor, you want to reignite your passion for making a better world with your business and marketing

Ready to write a brand story that is so inspiring that a whole loyal community springs up around it just like with each one of these podcasts? You’re going to want to check out our Messaging Magick Kit- the gentlest and most soothing way to sort out your brand identity.