All I was taught about debt when I was younger was that it was “very bad.” Only a thing the desperate or reckless would do.


Undoing Debt Shame

Here’s why I don’t believe that anymore:

  1. If debt were something to be ashamed of, only the already wealthy would be “allowed” to open businesses.

  2. Do I want to live in a world where only the already rich are allowed to be bosses and the rest of us just have to accept our fate as worker bees? Nope.

  3. Why open a business if I’m going to be too burnt out to run it? Gotta invest in the support I need to ensure my business will thrive. That means practical help for business operations AND emotional support so I can maintain the strength and courage I need to be a good captain of my business.

  4. I’d rather go into debt so I can spend my days working for something I believe in than keep collecting a respectable check for a respectable 9 to 5… where the expectation is really more like 9 to 9 and the atmosphere is so toxic, it wrecks my mental health. Plus, what’s it all for? Nothing that tugs at my heartstrings or feels like meaningful work. Not to mention rampant sexual harassment and being paid less than any colleague that is any of the above: white, male, or straight. Yeah, I’ll trade debt to make it possible to be free from that.

  5. Opening my business was a courageous action in line with my highest values that allows me to fulfill my purpose to help the people I want to help. Not desperate, or reckless. Intentional.

If being debt-free requires me NOT to go after my dreams. I prefer debt.

If living my values requires me to temporarily go into debt to give my business a fighting chance, I’m OK with that.

I don’t want to be on my deathbed thinking, “If only I’d had the courage to take the risks necessary to make the life I wanted possible…”

Practicing New Thoughts About Debt

But let me tell you, making peace with debt was not something that came easily to me. 

Growing up with a parent who was raised in extreme poverty meant I inherited some massive money terror. 

Graduating college during a major recession conditioned me to believe that opportunities were scarce and one had to work sun up til sun down just to scrape by- even with all my awards and accolades.

All of which made it terrifying when I actually DID go into more debt than I’ve ever been in my life to open my business, get all the necessary equipment and licenses, and get myself STAT to business coaching to keep me on track and sane. Plus you know, pay bills and eat food before my business was making much money.

Thank goodness I stumbled across the podcasts of visionaries like Simone Grace Seol, Tiffany Cheung, and Manifestation Babe which exposed me to an entirely new way of thinking about money and debt. Learning about money mindset from badass feminist entrepreneurs really changed the game for me.

Here are my new beliefs about debt:

  1. It’s kind of like an engagement ring for my business. It’s a major commitment that demonstrates my love and faith in our mission. It’s a way of saying “I am all in.”

  2. Going into debt to open my business shows my capacity for love, commitment, courage, and belief. It’s a sign of character.

  3. I’m so grateful that debt allowed me to open a business even though I don’t come from money.

  4. It’ll all come back to me 10-fold. Money is a limitless resource that flows to me effortlessly when I don’t accidentally block it. There is more than enough money in the world for me to have all I could ever need or want.

  5. My worth as a person is unaffected by my net worth. I am infinitely worthy regardless of debt or profit. I am worth the same if I’m negative 6 figures or turnting out 6 figure profit months. 

(Like for real for real, your worth as a person is completely unchanged by debt. We really gotta unlearn this association with our bank account balance and our value as a human. Cuz, come on, do you think every billionaire in the news is a good guy? LOL. And you CAN’T think every person in poverty is poor because they’re a bad person- and if you do, get off my blog. 🤣)

Anyhoo, these new thoughts took practice. Like, literal repetition over and over again. To this day. If these thoughts will help you to go after your dreams and get the support you need to do right by them, please use them. (And if you’d like a musical assist, here’s my Money Spell Spotify playlist for when you need to get into a good money mood.)

Debt Is Not Shameful

Your business deserves a fighting chance because the world needs your work. If that means taking out a loan or pulling out that credit card, then so be it.

I’m not saying to go into debt frivolously or casually. But if it’s the tool you need to get what you need for your business and you love and believe in your business enough to be willing to take a financial risk, celebrate your courage- don’t shame it.

And if debt does NOT feel like the right tool for you at this time, that’s cool too. You know what’s best for you. Just so long as shame isn’t what’s holding you back.

If you could use some help releasing your shame about all the “good girl rules” you need to break to run your business, you’re invited to my free mini-course on why your business needs you to step into your Evil Queen Era.

And if you’d like ongoing 1:1 support for soothing your nasty inner critic so you can focus on building your business, I’d love to be your ✨🌞🌻 Marketing Confidence Cheerleader 🌻🌞✨.

Isa Gautschi

Marketing Confidence Cheerleader for small business baddies in the fields of health, wellness, the creative arts, and marketing/branding/advertising/creative.

2 Years In: a (Business) Survival Story


…Or They Could Just Pay You