Business Boundaries

Defang the specters of Burnout, Constant Overwork, & Chronically Broke

On Wednesdays we build boundaries into our business offers, systems, and marketing. Because sometimes we have to protect our best work from ourselves.

Hey Haunted Entrepreneur

 I know you’re frustrated that you’re still struggling to hit your sales goal after all the many, many things you’ve tried. Maybe you’re still waiting on your first big sale, even though it feels like you’ve been marketing forever. I know you’re cursing the algorithms and wondering why people aren’t following you. I know you’re sick of doing work you don’t like doing for the money. You’re frustrated because it’s frustrating. You’re exhausted because it’s exhausting.

And you keep thinking if you could just do MORE BETTER it would work. And you oscillate between thinking it’s not working cuz you’re just not good enough/trying hard enough/doing enough or because the indifferent gods are against you and you just weren’t born with the right blessings to be successful.

Been there. Til I figured out how to change it. It started with the realization that:

Just “doing more” isn’t gonna fix it.

 Because here’s what’s really the problem:

🎃 Your energy is leaking all over the place because you’re doing too much at once.

🎃 You keep settling. And then you don’t have capacity to call in and handle the kind of clients, following, and money you actually want. 

🎃 You keep trying on different offers and pricing strategies and marketing tactics and losing hope because you aren’t changing the ONE THING that really will fix it.

Stop people-pleasing money.


  1. People-pleasing isn’t helpful, and you spend all your time in service of other people’s wants and needs, rather than meeting your own. Then you resent the shit out of them when they don’t reciprocate. And babe, you do NOT want to be resenting your audience, your colleagues, your clients, your business, or your money.

  2. Money isn’t people. Money is its own thing.💚 Stop expecting money to be “grateful” or “owe you” for your overworking, overgiving, and self-sacrificing. Want a better relationship with money? Start relating differently.

  3. You’re not happy carrying on like this anyway. So let’s change it up, shall we?

I’m gonna hold your hand while I say this:

You don’t just deserve business boundaries, you do. But you also need them if you don’t want to burn out, stay broke, and be a perpetual passenger of the struggle bus.

Boo! Boundaries scare the business boogeymen away.

Now I know a lot of you live in fear of saying “no,” disappointing someone/anyone, or taking “irresponsible” risks.

Here’s what’s cool- you can build boundaries right into your business so that customers have the opportunity to fully consent to what you’re willing to provide and so you won’t be tempted to people-please your way into underpricing, grinding away at work you don’t actually like, or let projects spin wildly off course from what you agreed to.

And when your boundaries are so good they actually become part of your marketing? The folx who aren’t down to respect them tend to opt out before you ever even have to encounter or talk to them. Leaving you free to focus on your FUCK-YES-TAKE-MY-MONEY-RIGHT-NOW clients. You know, the folks who will be thrilled to benefit from your favorite work at a cushiony price that won’t force you to take on zillions of projects and clients just to pay your rent- no matter how exorbitantly your landlord charges.

I love that for you. That’s why I made you this course.

Over the course of 4 Wednesdays, I’ll show you how to build game-changing boundaries right into the structure of your business, the fabric of your offers, and the magic of your marketing.

  • MONEY Boundaries

    Imagine 3 days off every week, because you only have to take on a few clients at a time to comfortably meet all your business and personal expenses, fluff that savings account, and then some. What if you only had to launch once or twice a year, because you didn’t actually need to sell that much to be taken care of? This could be you. Now isn’t it time you stopped underpricing? We’ll talk all about it in this masterclass + group Marketing Confidence Cheerleading Session.

    10-11:30 am PT
    Wednesday, Oct. 30th
    Live on Zoom + Replay

  • SCOPE Boundaries

    What if you only needed one offer? What if you could offer less for more money and have it sell better? What if you knew exactly what to say when a client asks for more than what was paid for? What if it wasn’t scary at all to publicly say, “I don’t know” when you don’t? I’m spilling all the secrets and scripts in this masterclass + group Marketing Confidence Cheerleading Session.

    10-11:30 am PT
    Wednesday, Nov. 6th
    Live on Zoom + Replay

  • TIME Boundaries

    Honestly, F showing up every day on Instagram. What if you had full permission to find a marketing rhythm that doesn’t make you want to die and is actually perfectly customized to your creative cycles? What if you didn’t have to bring your phone everywhere? What if you were totally comfortable with charging accordingly when a client wants more time and energy than you initially offered? Time is your most precious asset, babe. Arrange your business boundaries accordingly. Learn how in this masterclass + group Marketing Confidence Cheerleading Session.

    10-11:30 am PT
    Wednesday, Nov. 13th
    Live on Zoom + Replay

  • VISION Boundaries

    The version of you who runs the business you’ve always dreamed of is NOT in the business of settling. She doesn’t force herself to work for projects she doesn’t care about, for people that make her dread doing her job, or squeezing herself into any version of “professionalism” that requires her to mask her authenticity. She values herself, her work, and her people too highly to compromise her energy like that. Let’s talk about keeping your business in full alignment with your big vision in this masterclass + group Marketing Confidence Cheerleading Session.

    10-11:30 am PT
    Wednesday, Nov. 20th
    Live on Zoom + Replay

Perks for Participants

  • Borrow my Squad 🎉

    I’ve got the perfect way to keep your attitude and confidence high as we do the vulnerable work of holding ourselves accountable to our Big Vision for our businesses and stop letting ourselves get away with self-sabotage.

    For the month of November 2024, Business Boundaries registrants get free access to my beloved Squad 🎉 of excellently eccentric entrepreneurs cheering each other on as we do the impossible in real time. This is a crew of creative rebels- ready to break the business rules that harm the wellbeing of ourselves and our communities. 

    You may join us in our private Facebook group where you can get my eyes on your marketing, answers to your questions, support & encouragement, and meet your new business besties. You may also join us in our Marketing Masterclass, and group Marketing Confidence Cheerleading Session. (Learn all about The Squad 🎉 and its perks here.)

  • Baddie on a Budget Pricing

    Business Boundaries - including November Squad 🎉 admission - is on sale for $9.99  on the 15th through Monday, Oct. 21, 2024. Price goes up to $19.99 on the 22nd. Cart closes October 29th!

    (And yes, you can tip me if you are so inclined! Hit me at @misamessaging on Venmo.)

Your Boundaries Potions Professor 

Hi, I’m Isa, your Marketing Confidence Cheerleader, owner of the M.Isa Messaging Digital Marketing Agency, and host of The Irresistible Marketing Pod.

I’m also a (mostly) ex-people pleaser, reformed chronic under-pricer/over-worker, and former manic pixie dream tarantula. The levels of my work & life resentment gave Scorpios a bad name. 😅

When I finally, finally, finalllyyyyy got serious about having boundaries, I fell back in love with my job, saw that coveted $10k+ month, looked around, and realized I liked who I was spending my time with, how I was spending my time, and noticed I had - for the first time in a long time- energy. It was pretty freaking magic.

So if you too are an entrepreneur who struggles with boundaries, I don’t judge, I empathize.

Who is Invited

Business rebels are my people. I’m rooting for anyone who works to make the world more just & beautiful through health, wellness, social justice, and the creative arts. I specialize in personal brands and never-been-done-before businesses.

As Marketing Confidence Cheerleader, I primarily work with folks who have had very significant obstacles to developing healthy boundaries because it wasn’t safe for them to do so in their past. So, this isn’t a personal failing. You’ve fought hard for a life that allows you to have boundaries. I’ve built this course with admiration for your courage in mind, as well as a commitment to keep the material as judgment-free as possible.

Neurospicies, queers, gays & theys, BIPOC baddies, and fellow chronic pain babes- you’re very welcome here.

Why Business Rebels ❤️ Marketing Confidence Cheerleading